Thursday, March 4, 2010


Yesterday we kind of decided last minute to go back to Arusha with the group who's only here for a week. Instead of going back to the Tribunal Randy, Jay, Andy, Riley, Melissa and I went to this coffee shop we've been wanting to try. It was fantastic. I got an iced coffee and it was so so good! Then we walked to a cool place with all kinds of t-shirts that Ibra showed us one of the last times I was in Arusha. After, we ate lunch at McMoody's. We got there and finished eating before the rest of the group even showed up so we decided to go back to the Tanzanite Experience store so Jay could finish paying for the stones he bought and pick them up before the rest of the 20 people in the new group all came. Well, looking at all the Tanzanite finally got to me. I ended up buying a small stone (almost all of the stones that they sell are loose stones). It's so pretty! It's round cut and it's .64 carat. I'm not sure what I want to set it in yet, I was thinking a small ring, but we'll see. I am so happy with my purchase! All of us except Riley and Andy ended up buying stones. Melissa bought one a little smaller than mine but in a trilliant cut and slightly deeper color. We were both happy girls when we left the store! We got certificates of authenticity with our stones stating the carat, cut, clarity and color, so nice to have, since it's one of the only stores who has certificates with their stones. It's said that Tanzanite will be depleted in one generation, and those who buy it within the next 15-20 years will be the first-time owners of all the Tanzanite in the world. Such a precious and rare stone, of course I had to buy one! After the store we went back to the Maasai market where I helped Riley pick out a necklace then we went back home. We were all pretty tired so after dinner the boys came in our room and we played some cards and listened to music until bed. This morning everything went well with the kids. They are really starting to get numbers 1-10 and the first 15 letters of the alphabet, so exciting! I get so happy when they learn stuff and I know I helped teach them! They are such great kids! I only have 4 more days left with them, because tomorrow Riley, Melissa, Elle (our friend from the hostel) are heading to Zanzibar, and we won't be back until Monday night. I cannot wait, the white sand beaches and Indian Ocean are supposed to be absolutely fantastic!! After today I only have 9 more days left in Tanzania, I can't believe it, the time is going by so quickly! So, I'm trying to enjoy the rest of my short time as much as I can!

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