Sunday, January 31, 2010

Club La Liga

The past week has gone by fairly smoothly. The legal aid attorney wasn't in her office so Katelyn and I won't be going until next week, but Moses (program director) talked to her (Esther is the attorney's name) and she said it would be ok for me to go in the afternoons, after lunch, which means I won't miss any days with my kids :). We worked on colors and letters some more this week, mostly reviewed ABC and started learning two new colors. The kids were a little restless all week, and very tired. One day Jordan fell asleep in my precious! Didn't want to wake him up but he had to get home. It still seems so crazy that 3 year old kids here walk to and from school by themselves! A lot of the time now they just want to be held during break time. On Friday we had our shaky shaky time (like we do every Friday). The kids are really good dancers! They know all the words to the songs, so funny! Living just plugs his Ipod into a speaker and they dance around the room in circles and hold hands...very cute.
Friday was the last night that Mama Karen, Marissa, Ellen and Sabrina were here, so we all went out. We started out at Glacier, our favorite bar that's outside and usually has a live band, then went to club La liga later. This club is light paint all over the walls, really loud music, and pictures of half naked girls. It was definitely an experience...reminded me of a trashy club you would find in a big city. A big difference is that here there are a lot of prostitutes out at night, and a lot of them apparently find business at La liga. I can now say I've been waiting in line in a bathroom full of prostitutes. Needless to say, not sure if I'll be returning to La liga for the rest of my trip, it's pretty intense. The boys are always with us to make sure we're safe and we get home ok. It's so nice to have them around, we have it so much better than the tourists that come here. Last night we drove the girls to the airport. Sabrina is staying until Monday because her brother is visiting, and Ellen went to Zanzibar and will be back for a couple days on Thursday, so that will be nice. Today it's just me, Josh and Katelyn. We've been bumming around doing laundry and stuff like that. We'll probably just hang out and watch a movie tonight. So excited to get back to work tomorrow! 4 weeks in Tanzania gone, 6 to go!

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