Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rwanda Genocide Tribunal

Yesterday we didn't have work, instead we had a day trip to Arusha. On our way we got a flat tire. Abraham had a little trouble changing it because the jack was too short. So we hung out and took pictures for a little while before we got going again. We went to the Rwanda Genocide Tribunal building to watch a live trial, but they were on break when we got there. So, we went to the big Maasai market. So overwhelming! Everyone is trying to get you to go in their shop and buy stuff, you feel so much pressure. I got tire shoes for Kevin, and a really pretty large bowl and chess set (even though I don't play chess, it's really cool). After, we went to get lunch at a restaurant. I had super good pizza. I've missed pizza in the 3 wees I've been here. After, we went back to the genocide trial. They were trying a Mr. Kanyarukiga, a business man who is accused of ordering the demolition of a church full of 1,500 to 2,000 Tutsi's. The Tutsi's thought that churches would be a safe haven for them, but many died when they took refuge there because the churches were often bulldozed, set on fire, or the people inside shot. He is accused of physically being there and ordering the demolition, and celebrating with beers afterward. The priest of the church has already been convicted and sentenced to life in prison because of his involvement. It was really interesting, but a lot different than court back home. It was a UN trial, so there were 3 judges from different countries. The defense didn't seem to be very organized and made some pretty outrageous objections, and the prosecutor and defense attorney got pretty heated and sometimes called each other names. I'm getting updates via email about the progression of the trial. We saw one of the defense's witnesses, who was supposedly an alibi to the whereabouts of Kanyarukiga at the time of the church demolition. It was crazy hearing people talk about the genocide who were actually there. It was definitely very interesting for me. Then we went home, ate dinner, and I went to bed fairly early because I wasn't feeling very well. Living said the kids were asking where I was, they are so sweet. They were super happy to see me today, so nice. We worked on the letter C and colors again. It was hard keeping up with them today since my stomach is not feeling well but they are so fun to be around. It's super hot again today. Tomorrow I will have been gone from home for 3 weeks. Only 7 more to go!

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