Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kili Marathon

Today was the Kilimanjaro Marathon, so we all got up around 6 am and headed to the starting line. There were so many people and everyone was getting pumped up to the Tanzanian music they had blaring through speakers. We were running the 5K which started a little ways down the road from the stadium. When the race started Deo and I had to manuver through lots of people since so many were running. We ran past Kool Bar and up the steep hill that goes past Alba, the internet cafe we use. That hill was killer...I was happy I made it up running at a good pace. I ran with Deo most of the time. Then it was back around and toward the stadium. There was a final hill up to the stadium that was rough after going through so many hills during the run. I walked for only about 10 seconds to wait for Deo because I wanted us to finish together, and once I saw him kept going. We ran into the stadium where there were hundreds of people cheering and music playing, it was so exciting! It was fun even though we were only running the 5K. Deo and I crossed the finish line together. I was pretty happy with my time since running in Africa is a bit harder than running at home because it's so hot and there is so much dust and so many hills. At the finish line we got bags filled with Vodacom stuff, one of the sponsors. We got a jersey shirt that says Vodacom and Kilimanjaro Marathon '10 on it, a Vodacom bandana, and a few other things like a visor and pen. Then we went to watch the 1/2 marathon finishers. The first people came through with incredible times. The first 3 people were Tanzanians, and the crowd was so excited about it. Kerry, one of the women in our group, ran the 1/2 and came through with a pretty good time. We were all so proud of her. The first place finisher for the full marathon was from Kenya. It's pretty awesome to say that I got to run with Tanzanians and Kenyans...they are such phenomenal runners! I really want to come back with Kevin and run the full will definitely give me motivation to keep up my running when I get home. Part of me wishes I would have run the 1/2, but I know I'll be back. After the run we came home and had some breakfast, then just relaxed and I organized my stuff in my new room until lunch. Right after lunch Riley, Jay, Melissa and I headed to the pool and spent about 4 hours there. It was well in the 90 degree range so being by the pool all day was so so nice. Melissa and I got some sun and read our books and we also played some water football with the boys. Now we're just waiting until dinner then plan to watch a movie and lay low tonight. I can't wait to see my kids tomorrow, I've missed them all weekend. Only 8 more days in the classroom! That makes me so sad!!!

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