Monday, February 15, 2010

The rest of my week

I wanted to get that last post on here in case the power cuts out and loses my work (happens very frequently here!). So, on Thursday it was back to work as usual but at night we went to the dinner and dance with the new group at the restaurant Aventure. It's still so fun to go do this stuff because it has been such a long time since our group went! We all had a good meal and joined in with the traditional dancers. On Friday, we had shaky shaky time during class, and I took some videos on my new Ipod (thanks, Lor!) of the kids. I can't wait to show everyone back home! They are just too precious for words. After work we bummed around until dinner. After Josh, Katelyn and I took some of the new volunteers to our favorite bar, Glacier. They really liked it. I only had soda water since my throat was bothering me, but we danced and they met Abbas, the owner of Bushmen Safari's who took us on our safari and took me up to the first camp of Kili. They of course loved him, he's such a great guy. It was a fun night. Katelyn, my roommate, stayed out when we went home because it was her last night. She was with a couple of the guys and some girls we have become friends with who are staying at the nearby hostel. Her flight was scheduled to leave at 6 am Saturday morning so Ibra was going to be at the house to pick her up at 4 am. I woke up around 2:30 am and she wasn't home but I knew she was staying out late so I didn't think much of it. Then, later I woke up when she busted in the room, flipped on the lights, and started yelling certain obscenities. It scared the crap out of me. She said that she had "stayed out a little later than usual". I looked at the clock-it was about 4:15 am. She was late and she hadn't even finished packing yet! She was running around, telling me how she was still drunk, she was late, she went to La Liga (the skeezy club) and it was "not good" (have not yet found out what happened-stay posted) and she didn't know if she had packed everything. She literally threw things in her suitcase. I was going to go to the airport with her but she told me not to worry about it since she was so late and I had just woken up. I told her I would send her anything if she forgot it. We hugged, she told me she loved me and would miss me. I, of course, felt the same, and she was gone by around 4:30. She made it to the airport, but she had to fly to Nairobi then have a short layover before heading to London, so I'm sure she was exhausted and beyond ready for sleep by the time her plane took off from Nairobi. So now it's just me in my room. It's nice to have a room by myself in one way, but it's super lonely since I've had a roommate the whole 6 weeks I've been here. I really will miss that girl!
On Saturday Melissa and I started out the day by reading our books and magazines and listening to music out in the sun. It actually wasn't too hot so was a perfect bronzing opportunity :) We just hung out and enjoyed the morning. Melissa is this awesome girl in the new group. She's from Canada. I keep telling her that Kevin would just love her because her whole family rides Ski-doo's and she grew up playing hockey. She's such a sweetheart.
Josh (the very last person from my group left) had his dad come to CCS so he could show him around and so his dad could eat lunch with us. His dad came because they are climbing Kili together and were going to start the next day. His dad was exactly what I pictured-so much like Josh! After lunch Josh invited me to go with him and his dad (Josh and I have pretty much been joined at the hip the whole trip-he is such a good friend!) into town. We went to The Coffee Shop (world famous! US Presidents have even eaten there) and I just got a diet coke because it was so hot but Josh and his dad got the amazing coffee and split a piece of their amazing carrot cake. After we walked around and showed him some good shops and I helped them pick out some things for Josh's sister and mom (boys never know what to get!). Then we walked around a bit and I split ways with them once we got close to CCS because I had to come here to the internet and they had to get back to home base. Ibra was going to give them a ride to their hotel. It was so sad saying bye to Josh, I'm gonna miss that kid SO much! He was my buddy this whole time :( His dad was so nice, saying I always had a place to stay if I was ever in Chicago. It's now Monday, so they are on their second day hiking Kili, and they should be into or close to the second camp by now. Josh wasn't feeling the greatest the whole week before the climb so I hope they're both doing ok. I can't wait to hear how it went!
On Saturday I went with Living, Riley and Andy to Kool Bar to play some pool. I played a few games and pretty much totally sucked. Riley was on my team. Good thing he's patient! I made a few balls in. At one point, when I actually made one in all the men in the bar who were watching started cheering and clapping. So funny! Then, after a few games, good local players started to show up, so I decided to stop embarassing myself and just watch. Riley said he wasn't that good but ended up almost beating one of the best players there. So awesome! The balls they use here are a little smaller and the rules are a little different. You can't hit an opponent's ball first, you have to hit one of yours. It takes a little getting used to. It was a super fun night. Freddy and his roommate Felix showed up and I hung out with them while we watched the games. Then we went home and I went to bed because I was super tired.
On Sunday we just bummed around home base. I was a little sad I wasn't able to be with Kev on Valentine's Day, but he called me right after breakfast. Made my day! We talked for about an hour, it was so good to have a nice long conversation with him, we get to have so few of them while I'm here! I really miss him a lot, but I know that in one short month I'll be home! After breakfast I went for a run (I actually finally started running here, despite the ridiculous heat and the large amount of dust swirling around!) and then cleaned my room, read my book, took a nap and did laundry. Sunday's are always so lazy here. I don't like it! I would rather be at work with my kids. Nothing in town is open so there isn't a lot to do. But, only a few more left!
Today some of my kids who have been sick were back in school and I was so happy to see them! Omar gave me the biggest hug, he is such a sweetie! I also started a second placement in the afternoons at Mrupanga Secondary School. I make my own lesson plans and teach upper level English. After I grade the papers and help do any other administrative work that they need. One problem is that the Mama's want me to eat with them  in the afternoon. A large hunk of Ugali (it's a paste-like food that has no taste and is made out of corn flour, pretty much all carbs, and NOT something that will go well with my diet! It's kinda like grits but stickier) is not something I really want to eat every day. It's very rude to refuse food in Tanzania. I got out of it today, but I'm trying to work something out with Ibra picking me up a little earlier (2:30 instead of 3, since I'm done with all my work by 2:30 anyway) so I can just avoid this issue all together, but, we will see.
That's the update on my life lately! On Wednesday I'm going with the new group back to the Chagga village and to see the waterfall and the cave, and Melissa, me and Riley are trying to plan a trip to Zanzibar, and some of us are going to run the 5K in the Kilimanjaro Marathon in 2 weekends. So, my life here in Tanzania continues to be exciting!!

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