Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Weekend

This past weekend was for the most part uneventful, but it was fun. Friday was pretty low-key, because most everyone went on safari. Riley and I went to Living and Amani's soccer game at the Moshi International School, it was fun, and the boys won. Then we just hung out and played cards for the rest of the night. On Saturday in the morning/early afternoon Riley and I walked around town and ran some errands. He helped me pick out a hat for Kevin and we got some other small stuff. Then we stopped at Kindoroko and got a soda. After lunch we were going to go swimming but then Deo told us he was going to Malindi bar to watch the soccer game. Riley and I decided to go along for some soccer and afternoon drinking. We called Elle and she and Valentine met us there. The game was exciting (Manchester United VS Everton)...everyone expected Man U to win but Everton surprisingly won 3-1. There were a lot of people in the bar and it was pretty exciting. After, we went to Pub Alberto for some food. I had some awesome fries and a chicken sandwich. Then we went next door to play some pool, and I wasn't horrible...at one point I made 4 shots in in a row! Maybe I'll actually be able to play Kevin in an exciting game when I get home, we'll see. I made it out until about 9 pm (we started drinking at 2:30, so I was pretty tired by then). On Sunday we found out that that morning when Andy had gone running, he saw a human severed thumb on the road followed by a long trail of blood, just up the road from our home base. I wanted to go see it but the boys were being big sissies about it and used the excuse that they all wanted to go swimming. While they were swimming I finished the Transporter movies (I watched the first on Saturday night when I got home, and 2 and 3 on Sunday). I'm happy the rest of my weekends are busy, because I'm not one to sit around all day, so I was pretty bored. Yesterday (Monday) was fairly uneventful, Melissa was sick so Riley went with me to see if our skirts were done. They weren't, but we stopped at the Maasai market and Riley helped me pick out another pair of tire shoes for Kevin, since he thought that the first pair I bought was not comfortable. (Riley is the same height as Kevin, they have the same shoe size, and he has the same size head, so he's been my stand-in as far as trying stuff on so I know it'll fit Kev ok). Apparently according to Riley this pair is much better. We also stopped and got him a hat like I got Kev since he liked it so much. Afterwards I went running, and although the thumb was gone I did see the long blood trail. Every once in awhile there were large dried pools, as if the person stopped while walking/running away. Was a little cryptic for my run, but oh well. The locals think it must have been a robbery that happened during the night. Although it is very safe here, it becomes very dangerous at night which is why we can't go out past dark unless we are in a cab and why we always have 2 guards on duty all night, every night.
Today was fairly uneventful. It was a pretty good day at school, the kids are finally starting to recognize the letters of the alphabet we've been doing, makes me so happy! I'm getting so sad...I only have 10 more class days with them. I miss them even over the weekends, so I'll be super sad to leave them for good, I've gotten so attached to every single one of them. I've also gotten so attached to this country and its people, I can't wait to come back. Tomorrow we're going back to Arusha for my 3rd trip to the Rwandan War Tribunal and the Maasai market, but I'm excited because it's always a fun trip. Tonight after dinner a few of us are going to play pool, so should be fun. Right now I'm gonna get a quick run in before dinner-the Kilimanjaro Marathon is this weekend-I decided to run the 5K...running any further in this heat and humidity just does not seem like an option to me.

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