Friday, February 19, 2010

Kool Bar

Yesterday Riley, Melissa and I went and confirmed and payed for our Zanzibar tickets. It's official, March 5th-8th, and we are soooo excited!! Then Melissa and I went to the fabric store and I took her to the Mama who has made all of my skirts. She is amazing, such a great woman, and she can make almost anything out of the fabric you give her! I'm getting two skirts made for gifts and Melissa is getting a skirt and a purse made. We can go pick them up on Monday. Then it started can just feel the heat radiating off of everything when it rains, it's like being in a steam room. The rain here aways comes in big fat drops, and it can rain pretty violently for awhile. There was almost a river running down the streets, crazy. We quickly walked to The Coffee Shop and got some ice cream and cake (so good!) before heading home to shower and get ready. Then, last night after dinner Melissa, Riley, Jay and I went to Kool Bar to play some pool. I was on Riley's team for the first two games and we won. I actually didn't suck! I was surprised at how well I played, since I never play at home and since I played so horribly the other night when we went. Eventually some better players showed up so Melissa and I sat and chatted with some local friends and had a few drinks. We saw quite a few people we knew, it's so nice to have so many local friends here now! We all ended up having such a blast! Today at school Asia (a-see-a) showed back up. She has been absent for about the past two weeks. She is easily the naughtiest child in our class. She never listens, she's ALWAYS whining and crying about something...she even has the guts to try to hit us and throw things at us! It is definitely a lot more work having her around. At lunch most of the new group left for safari, so it's just a few of us here this weekend. Tonight we are just hanging out, watching a movie and getting some rest. Tomorrow Riley and I were talking about going swimming, it's been so hot lately. We'll see what the weather is like. This is my last lazy weekend here, since next weekend is the marathon and after that is Zanzibar, time is going by so quickly! I will miss it here so much when I leave!

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